RED ALERT: Trucker Children in Danger


The Second Perspective


Published on Feb 9, 2022

On Feb 8, 2022 – Ottawa Deputy Police Chief, Steve Bell, declared that the operation he has planned against the truckers is complicated by the fact that 25% of them have children inside. Feigning concern over the children’s safety, he has sicked the Children’s Aid Society (CAS) on the truckers to ‘investigate’. The CAS, mind you, has a disgusting history of ripping children from their parents (see links below).

Despite the propaganda, paid provocateurs, vandalism of trucks, confiscation of fuel, and injunction against honking, the protestors have not taken the bait nor given the media the response they desperately want. Now the CAS is being used as yet another bait to instigate a violent response from the trucker parents. If that happens, the Convoy For Freedom will certainly be painted as a group of violent aggressors and equally violent arrests may then take place. Not only would the insanity remain, but the children under the care of the CAS may then be exposed to a certain something without parental consent.

Get this warning to the truckers and organizers. Pre-emptive action is possible through the donations and willingness of locals to accommodate the children. If a trucker brought his wife along then she may supervise the children in groups. Otherwise, send the kids to a nearby relative. Leaving the children in the trucks at present is an invite for trouble. Don’t give them a chance.

#FreedomConvoy #OttawaProtest #Truckers #ChildrensAidSociety

Children's Aid Society HISTORY

CAS Authority to remove children and recruit police to facilitate investigation/extraction of children