ALIENS INFECTED PART JEWS more knowledge in 2,5 hrs then 50 yrs of tv


Neo triestowarnyou


Published on Jun 20, 2014

Everything is connected

The truth Protocols of Zion They live Jimmy Fallon the moon Obama clone Kim Kardashian Conchita Lady Gaga Ron Paul Satan Jesus Bible beware of the false Jews for they worship Satan Lizard Aliens Hasidic rabbis Hinduism Vedas Budhism Torah Zorah Talmud goy non Jew world talking animals Kabbalah conquer the world Mekka NSA Teffilin Koran I am the Master of Sirius controlled opposition Bush 911 inside job NDAA San Onofre power plant Oh no free Merkel Hitler Hindu Swastika Cher Oprah Harpo Marx OWN NWO 300 wise elders Putin Al Gore fake global warming Alex Jones Fema camps Communism kill white race little boys drink their blood sell their bodies to Mc Donalds Rabbi Finkelstein Rolling Stones Cosmos Carl Sagan False moonlanding Stanley Kubrick Space Odyssey Mars Phobos Dogons pyramids monolith Whore of Babylon Ishtar Aphrodite Enkidu and Shamhat Adam and Eve Gilgamesh Arc of Noah Hebrew Greek Prism Sheeple dark side of the moon Pink Floyd Wizard of Oz Salman Rushdie Gnarls Barkley Fed Titanic Timothy Mc Veigh Oklahoma false flag attack Yellen Monsters vs Aliens Bob Michael Jackson Rotschilds Gravity falls Stan Russia Lenin Karl Marx Moses Levy Mordechai China Mao Israel Epstein gun control Beatles John Lennon Dollar Hollywood Zionwood American dad America must die Simpsons Cleveland Show Luis Farrakhan the government is building spaceships Dorothy is you the Matrix Cloud Atlas Nuclear attack on Japan Einstein Big Bang theory Bruce the clone freemasons Mason Jenner 33o Jefferson Truman Hawkwind Space invaders GTA V Michael mild asperger illuminati card game there's no religion higher than truth flag of Israël Katy Perry dark horse perfect storm WW III false alien invasion famine browning of America rabbi Rabinovich extermination of the white race We need a world of our own NWO

The clues are right in front of your eyes

Letter to member of Congress, national or state level.

Dear Member of Congress,

Recently I studied history and something very relevant for the US showed up. China and Russia at one time became communist as you know, China still is. Before that they were just as modern and free as the US but something happened.

Zionist Jews, not Jews in general, they have nothing to do with it, this is not antisemetic, practically took over
· Government
· Media
· Banks
Then they built up the debt to incredible levels, crashed the economy with their power over the money, from rich countries they became poor practically overnight. The people became desperate and they instigated revolutions.

If you compare this to the situation in the US today the similarities are mindboggling.
· Aipac controls Obama and for a large part many other branches of our government.
· CBS, ABC, Fox, TMZ, CNN etc. etc. are all Zionist controlled.
· The Fed is a Zionist bank, Volcker, Greenspan, Bernanke, Yellen are all Zionist Jews.
· The debt is built up to an incredible level, ready to crash the economy and state finances.
· Obama is surrounded by Zionist Jews and he wants to take the guns of the American people.
· Mao was surrounded by Zionist Jews and took the guns of the Chinese people. There are pictures of this, all these things are facts.

The basic abstract similarities between Russia and China just before communism and the massmurder of an estimated 50 -- 100 million Russians and 80 million Chinese and America today are factual, scary and they are real. Why would the outcome for the US be any different now then for these poor Russians and Chinese less than 100 years ago? It won't, it's all the same, there can only be one outcome.

This is all logic, a rational story, but on the other hand, why don't we know about all this, that seems impossible. Well,
· They control the media to prevent this information going mainstream.
· All intelligent and powerful people are busy with their own business, profession or specific government specialisation.
· Nobody sees the whole picture, except for the Zionists pulling the strings.
That's the plain and simple but accurate explanation.

I hope you understand that the situation we are in has gotten totally out of control and that you will think about the danger and hopefully act. We are all in this together. Communism started with the overthrow and murder of the government at the time. Then the massmurder of the rich, then it was the turn of the regular people.

We are all in this together but you are the only ones with power to stop them.

Thank you,

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