WAKE UP CALL: Our Entire World is Going To Change -- BILL HOLTER




Published on Aug 26, 2016

The cartel hit gold hard again on Wednesday selling $1.5 BILLION is paper gold into the market in ONE MINUTE and as JS Mineset's Bill Holter notes, "$1.5 Billion of gold is close to 2% of global production and to see that sold in one minute is laughable. Who has that amount of gold to sell? And the answer of course is almost no one. And what trader would ever sell in that fashion? And the answer is no one wo would want to keep a job if they were selling for profit. So the sell was obviously to create price, a lower one." But as the bond market and rising LIBOR rates are telling us, the system is coming apart at the seams and the coming collapse will cause "our entire world to change."

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Track one, licensed from Epidemic Sound "Deviations in Time"
Track two: , licensed from Epidemic Sound "Rotations 3"

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