Don McGahn: A Manipulative Neocon Acolyte of Mueller- Is he snitch or a tru protector of the Prez?


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Aug 19, 2018

BREAKING Is he snitch or a tru protector of the President? We did not trust McGahn a year ago when he (along with Sally Yates) openly opposed the President's wise and safe Travel Ban from then 7 dangerous MUSLIM countries. We love the Prez but he is not omniscient.. Look at our past reports. We warned the prez of Bannon & Omarosa in Dec. 2016 & lost supporters then too. We don't like the way this long haired prima donna has threatened to QUIT if Trump fired Sessions or Rosenstein. We don't like his inherent Neocon Bushite admiration for Bob Mueller either. But again - the Prez has tweeted that he trusts him. But he also had very wonderful Tweets about Bannon, Omarosa, Tillerson (former pro islamist Mutineer SOS), punk Scaramucci, Jeff Sessions - wouldn't accept Rod Rosenstein's resignation - his WH staff allowed that punk - weasel author Michael Wolff to interview him- trusted him to roam the White House for a year secretly recording many in the West Wing etc. The President is a hard working President who is busy making America great - I don't fault him for not controlling every traitor in the west Wing but I do fault his other attorneys who let McGahn do this.I do fault the people I told to get rid of Omarosa and then lambasted me for suggesting such in late November of 2016. I don't like Mcgahn - sorry. I love this Prez and know how trusting and loyal he can be to those who work with him - even to his own hurt.

Appearances can be more important than reality with deceivers like Mueller. Or has President's White House Counsel betrayed him to crooked Mueller by simply answering THIRTY HOURS OF QUESTIONS UNDER OATH? ? Was Don just simply "cooperating" with Mueller? The President seems to trust McGahn. He came out again this August 19th and said so. We don't question the president's wisdom. But we don't trust McGahn either. 30 hours of volunteered testimony to Mueller? Even if unwittingly, McGhan may have answered some of Weissmann's & Mueller's questions which were poised to create this "atmosphere of obstruction of Justice" - he may have relayed private discussions he had with the President to Mueller who may INTERPRETED those conversations differently. Mueller the liar and spin artist could use some of those supposed "confidential" attorney client privilege discussions to malign the Prez in his upcoming report to Congress. In any event, we don't think this was a good decision in the long run. The President and Giuliani may very well trust Mcgahn. But they don't know all he told Mueller over 30 hours. We here at InspoNews would have rather he NOT talk to Mueller at all. Mueller we carve from his sworn 30 hour testimony an obstruction appearance for sure. Or we may be wrong but I'm always better safe than sorry with this President and don't like the President being taken advantage or snookered by Mueller. The President keeps saying he's done nothing wrong - let McGahn talk to Mueller- heck Trump says he wants to talk to Mueller too. The President is innocent. NO MATTER. Mueller will twist in his report. No one in that under siege White House should talk to Mueller even if Mueller and MSM Media says they look guilty etc. But he also at one time Maybe- but again, I smell another treasonous rat. But the President will & must prevail.
Fact is folks, MAGA is now in an all out war for the soul of America against this Alternative globalist government. I think that Don McGahn is another snitch for Mueller & a Traitor.
Don McGahn- who looks like an extra out of the 1970's series Hawaii Five O - he probably still wears bell bottoms to conceal his spyware for Mueller as well. In the end it won't matter because the President has done nothing wrong but the mere fact that they are trying to surround the Prez is disgusting.
But they are out to destroy this great Prez one way or the other- thank God President Trump has his own layers of security which thank God he can afford
I mean - with snitches Cohen - it appears that Weissmann & police state globalist operative Mueller, have all but destroyed the once sacrosanct ATTORNEY CLIENT PRIVILEGE- along with many other of our First & Fourth Amendments being thrown out the DOJ 4th floor windows!Omarosa, spies like Strzok etc. Soon the president must strike back and strike back 10x harder! We the people have your back Mr. President.
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