Game of Culture


Matthew Drake


Published on Jul 30, 2016

Illustrated Philosophy is 100% fan funded.


0:22 Alex Jones as Prince Doran Martell
0:36 Charles C. Johnson as Prince Trystane Martell
0:44 Anita Sarkeesian as Ellaria Sand
0:50 Laci Green as Nymeria Sand
1:20 Joe Rogan as Lord Paxter Redwyne
1:35 Sam Harris as Ser Gerold Hightower
1:47 Dave Rubin as Samwell Tarly
1:57 Lauren Southern as Gilly
2:24 Cenk Uygur as Lord Mace Tyrell
2:33 Larry Elder as Lord Axell Florent
2:56 Bill Clinton as Ser Jamie Lannister
3:41 Paul Ryan as King Renly Baratheon
4:22 Anderson Cooper as Ser Loras Tyrell
4:36 Megyn Kelly as Queen Margaery Tyrell
4:49 Hillary Clinton as Queen Cersei Lannister
5:09 Barack Obama as King Robert Baratheon
5:34 Bernie Sanders as King Stannis Baratheon
5:52 Democratic Socialism as Melisandre
6:32 Ben Shapiro as Lord Petyr Baelish
6:58 Suzanne Venker as Lady Lysa Tully
7:33 George Soros as Lord Walder Frey
7:56 Tom Woods as Lord Howland Reed
8:27 Mike Cernovich as Lord Medger Cerwyn
8:45 Daniel Dennett as Lord Wyman Manderly
9:00 Ann Coulter as Brienne of Tarth
9:14 Ron Paul as King Balon Greyjoy
9:22 Gary Johnson as King Euron Greyjoy
9:29 Adam Kokesh as Theon Greyjoy
10:51 Steven Crowder as Lord Robett Glover
11:12 Donald Trump as Lord Eddard Stark
11:26 Donald Trump Jr. as King Robb Stark
11:33 Eric Trump as Prince Brandon Stark
11:38 Ivanka Trump as Princess Sansa Stark
12:11 Christopher Cantwell as Lord Roose Bolton
12:18 Adam Carolla as Lord Rickard Karstark
12:31 Vox Day as Lord Jon Umber
12:49 Stefan Molyneux as Lord Commander Jeor Mormont
13:01 Sandman as Maester Aemon
13:20 Gad Saad as Tormund Giantsbane
14:41 Charles Murray as First Triarch of Volantis (Elephant)
14:47 Nigel Farage as Triarch Malaquo Maegyr (Tiger)
14:54 Boris Johnson as Third Triarch of Volantis (Elephant)
15:14 Stephen Fry as Thoros of Myr
15:47 Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) as Magister Illyrio Mopatis
16:22 Milo Yiannopoulos as Queen Daenerys Targaryen
16:36 Gavin McInnes as Ser Jorah Mormont
16:44 Julian Assange as The Eunuch Lord Varys a.k.a. The Spider
16:54 Bruce “Caitlyn” Jenner as Tyrion Lannister
17:26 Marcus Follin (The Golden One) as Jaqen H'ghar
17:42 Dave Cullen as Syrio Forel
18:12 Phil Mason (Thunderf00t) as Tobho Mott
18:21 Vladimir Putin as Khal Drogo
19:46 Paul Joseph Watson as Prince Oberyn Martell a.k.a. The Red Viper
19:55 Ted Cruz as King Joffrey Baratheon
20:02 Chelsea Clinton as Princess Myrcella Baratheon
20:08 Marco Rubio as King Tommen Baratheon
20:15 Steve Shives as Lord Robin Arryn
20:20 Hulk Hogan as Ser Gregor Clegane a.k.a. The Mountain
20:25 Jesse Ventura as Sandor Clegane a.k.a. The Hound
20:31 Peter Schiff as Brandon Tully a.k.a. The Blackfish
20:37 Jason Stapleton as Edmure Tully
20:44 Aron Ra as Ser Davos Seaworth a.k.a. The Onion Knight
20:52 Howard Stern as Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
20:59 Roger Stone as Ser Barristan Selmy a.k.a. Barristan the Bold
21:06 Angela Keaton as Queen Yara Greyjoy

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