V E X I T: Wear a MASK! EXIT the Virus SAFELY-Left & Right Media talking heads both are WRONG


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Apr 9, 2020

BREAKING: V E X I T: Wear a K-84/N95 MASK! EXIT the COVID Virus SAFELY-Left & Right Media talking heads both are WRONG. Tucker-Laura story @ 1:11 (1 hour 11 minutes) All PUBLIC VENUES SHOULD HAVE ULTRA VIOLET-CARBON AIR FILTRATION MANDATED & SUBSIDIZED. INSPONEWS: Patreon https://www.patreon.com/insponews
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MSM lefty's like Rachel Maddow & Don Lemon & their Socialist Democrat guests give destructive advice to our people, our economy. our jobs and our good President by demanding out of our precaution that we wait for Bill Gate's naughty Vaccine or some "miracle" drug before we venture back to our normal work & play in America. This would obliterate our economy and cause death and depression on a massive scale - even if it was possible to stay quarantined for 12 to 18 months as they suggest. They want the Trump economy and the Trump administration destroyed. Again. their advice would cause even more death and DESTRUCTION. Carlson & Laura Ingraham are nearly as WRONG in their "research" & recommendations. They and their FOX "medical" talking heads have been deathly wrong in much of their insipid advice regarding the Corona virus since day one. Dr. Mark Siegel, Surgeon General Jerome Adams, Dr. Drew, snarky Laura and sadly, even one of my own favs (Tucker), are DEAD wrong about the the AEROSOL- airborne nature of this CHINESE VIRUS and the undeniable need for clinically proven, (made in the USA) K-84 or N-95 masks (2 billion produced ASAP) to be supplied & nationally distributed to every citizen in the nation in multiple amounts.

These two are PUSHING the Trump Administration to send us all back to work next week- without proper protection. We agree. Let's all go back to a new normal - back into society - BUT with protective masks and wrap around sunglasses for a few months. Also- Tucker & Laura imply that the mortality rates and CDC recommendations are all about MONEY/ They couldn't be further from the truth. They act as if this COVID Pandemic is overkill (or under kill) but in their fallacious a priori presuppositions & erroneous assumptions they tragically forget how CONTAGIOUS & AIRBORNE this deadly virus is. Even as they critique the data projections vis a vis their vacuous attacks on left wing Trump hating modelers at Washington State University (IHME)

It was reckless and endangering the public health for Laura Ingraham & Tucker last night to be pushing policy makers to return everyone to work by May 1st WITHOUT CERTIFIED virus shielding masks! This irresponsible journalism is all based on them both assuming that because the IHME modeling was over blown & there are not as much mortality & death as originally projected- that somehow we were all lied to. That the laying off of 17 million American workers was unnecessary & that this COVID virus is less lethal or deadly then even the common flu. After all, the CDC in US & Italy have been blending natural deaths with fake COVID deaths -so, we should all just venture back to work ASAP - even if we do not have PROPER micro screen K-94 or N-95 face masks.(Scarfs & regular clothe masks do not prevent this tiny COVID respiratory virus from entering the lungs where it does its often permanent or lethal damage.
The non-scientific, smooth talking faux intelligentsia on both sides are wrong. Tucker & Laura err in forgetting that the death rates are low because of the leadership of President Trump and the unforeseen discipline and behavioral change of Americans everywhere to not just practice social distancing - but 94 % essentially quarantining themselves at home till this viral storm passes & there are in SUPPLY quality masks by which they almost IMMEDIATELY return to work and play and a slightly different "new normal" for a few months with masks. The South Korean and Taiwanese models work. They are already back to work.

But for left wing Don Lemon and Maddow to want us to wait 18 months, while Tucker & Laura want a "date certain" WITHOUT an ample supply & distribution of N-95 masks - is equally dangerous. Its makes our nation vulnerable to re-infection and a economically crushing relapse- especially when the virus returns from the Southern Hemisphere in the late FALL. Tucker & Laura would have you go back to work vulnerable and under supplied. The Federal gov. needs to get cracking on the mass production of front line medical masks for medical warriors of which my physician daughter is a part) but also for every citizen rich or poor- Dem or GOP
We can save our way of life, our jobs our economy by the proper use of masks. We are ready to go back to work and reelect this great President!

Federico Cardella
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