Philip Hamilton, for the VA State Senate 11th District will protect women, children, & Parent Rights


Jon Uhler


Published on Nov 3, 2023

For the voters in VA 11th State Senate District, it is imperative to let your voice be heard on Tues., Nov 7th. I wanted to personally share with you that Republican candidate, Philip Hamilton, is the candidate who will protect parental rights, protect women's sports, protect the private spaces of women and children from sexually deviant men in drag who want to gain direct access to women's washrooms, changing rooms and showers, women's prisons, and rape shelters. Philip Hamilton will ensure that sexually explicit and deviant Trans Sex Ed materials are kept of the class room, that the LGBTQ+++ Agenda is kept of out schools, and that medical providers who encourage or perform sex change treatments and surgeries on minors are subject to both civil and criminal charges.

Rare is the time that I endorse candidates in this fashion. But, the VA State Senate Seat in the 11th District is crucial to win, if the Anti-women, Pro-Trans Deception, and Pro-pedophile Agenda is to be stopped in VA. If you care about parental rights, the safety of women and children, protecting gender-confused minors from those pushing. to have them medicalized, (sterilization and amputation) for profit, and want to ensure women's sports are protected, please encourage everyone in the VA State Senate District 11 to vote for Philip Hamilton.