Farrakhan - NAACP Embraces Leader of Genocidal Sect


Patriot Fire


Published on Dec 8, 2010

Racist leader, Louis Farrakhan, addresses the Unity Summit held by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in 1994. The NAACP should repudiate the racism in the black community and their own ranks, before they hypocritically speak of racism in the Tea Party. The founder of the NAACP, W.E.B. Dubois, was a black separatist, who moved back to Africa Ghana and died there. Even the name of the NAACP connotes racism.

Elijah Muhammad's writings are considered scripture by the Nation of Islam and some other Black Nationalist groups. Elijah Muhammad predicted a race war which would begin their End Times scenario. The NOI version of Armageddon will be led by a black messiah and will lead to the destruction of America, the white race and the traditional church, which is considered apostate. Farrakhan declared in February of 2008 that Obama is the black messiah. Black Liberation Theology, the doctrine of Obama's church, is a related occult doctrine, which has similar genocidal basic beliefs to those of the theology of the Nation of Islam. The Nation of Islam, Black Liberation Theology the New Black Panther Party and several other groups are all part of the racist Black Nationalist movement with a quasi-religious genocidal occult belief that the white man is the supreme evil of the world and must be destroyed to institute a millennial Utopian Kingdom of God on the earth.

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