SCAMBAITING DOCUMENTARY on 419 Scammers Filmed in London (with subtitles) HD


ScamBait Central


Published on Aug 8, 2017

What you are about to see is footage of Scammers that were intended to be part of a UK TV Documentary. We have been in 2 national TV programmes so far and as you watch this, you can see some stills from past programmes and also from the filming at our home for this aborted documentary.

This time, I had been asked to persuade as many Scammers as I could to meet a victim (that’s my ScamBaiting character Mr Pricky) in Central London, where he would hand over large sums of cash for their various scams. It was planned that as each Scammer arrived and at a given signal from me, the TV crew would suddenly appear and I and another ScamBaiter would confront the Scammers on camera.

Working alone, I spent 4 weeks, 12-18 hours a day, 6 or 7 days a week, harvesting Scammers for the filming. Getting these lowlifes to turn up on a certain day to a certain place and within a specified time window is one of the most difficult tasks in ScamBaiting. Scammers are naturally suspicious and also very lazy.

At the last moment, the TV company decided not to include Scambaiting in the documentary. I was very disappointed and after a little thought, decided that I would still travel up to London and covertly film and photograph the Scammers myself from a distance. Without the film crew, there would be no confrontations, but at least I could have a fun day, watching these thieves wander around in the city for hours on end.

So, I arranged to meet up in London with ScamBaiters Mr Babangoh and Mountain Goat. We had a memorable day, sitting watching these Scammers turn up, one after the other, desperately phoning me, pacing around, and becoming increasingly frustrated.

Please don’t expect top quality filming with synchronised speech. This was shot from a distance, through glass, on a handheld videocam. I filmed this footage in 2015. I took some of the photograph stills. Others were taken by Mountain Goat and Mr Babangoh. I am eternally grateful to Alex who generously offered to edit this production for me. Thanks again, Alex. You did a great job.

I hope that you will enjoy the video.

PS: Check us out on FaceBook and Twitter to see pics of more real Scammers sent across Europe & UK on Wild Goose Chases! -

© 2017 'ScamBait Central'
All Videos and Audio contained in this account are protected by United Kingdom and United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of the videographer 'ScamBait Central'.
Contact the videographer if you wish to obtain permission to download a video or screenshot or audio or redisplay a video or image or audio on this or another website.

All characters played by me and also by Scammers and any companies (money transfer agencies and banks, etc) depicted in this upload are entirely fictitious. The Scammers are real people who contacted me using false details and tried to steal my money. I pretended to be a victim in order to waste their time, falsely raise their expectations, and in so doing help to keep them away from real prospective victims. To achieve this audio brilliance takes weeks, months, even years of skilful baiting. I discard 95% of my recordings and only upload the very best to this Channel. Any similarity to actual events, real companies, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

‘Fiddles McGinty’ by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution licence (