Rewriting Mythology | Sophia Pallass|


Meta Visions


Published on Oct 20, 2020

Carl Gustav Jung, Joseph Campbell and Jordan Peterson: every single one genuinely influential thinker understood what our Mythology represents as a mean to map the reality around us.

Who else understood this?
We will be discussing this and much more with Sophia Pallass.
Who is Sophia Pallass?

Pallas Sophia is a freelance writer, political commentator and aspiring author. Growing up in the rural American south, she developed a dual appreciation for a simple life of practicality, while also cherishing the importance of personal and classical education. Following her formal education in the area of English Literature, she became a student of Hellenic Philosophy and Religion, particularly focusing upon the Platonist school of thought. Her present project is in writing contributing chapters to the book "The Courage to Love", by fellow polytheist and Asatruar Bryan Wilton, followed by a book of her own on the topic of Hellenic Polytheism.

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