Bill Blair Delivers Historic 17,000+ Pizzagate Indictments to Canada! -or- #MAGADiesNoTrying! #DBug


Agent Margaritaville


Published on Mar 15, 2020



As the sun sets on day 1 of #MakeitGQ and #thestorm rages around the world, ... "The triangle expands, and explodes,... eventually there is nothing."

Why 17,000? ~ guesstimation from my knowledge of the various hives.


Dear Bills,

It is put up, or shut up time my friends!

Just as All The Best Cowboys have Chinese Eyes, and large penis shaped noses had better be prepared for the threats to come from all sides; we see YOU; Bill Blair, the man who's police force refused to bring the pedophiles who raped my 11 month old child to justice; finally at the luncheon of doom.

You denied my child justice.

Nor did you bring to justice, Riaan Ryke, who called my old cellphone number 17 times to threaten my life.... only to learn my phone number then belonged to some unknown lady.... who tracked me down on Facebook to warn me of these death threats after the police laughed at her... when learning they only endangered myself and my daughter.

The Pedophile controlled #OPPizzagate police told the woman who took the 17 death threats against myself and my child by the man responsible for her rape, to "get a new phone.'

I wouldn't know about it but she contacted me Bill Blair.

You charged me with assault battery for holding my child while being attacked by an insane woman who sleeps with a friend of yours.... didn't you Bill?

That Pedofaggot AGO Mark Garritson sent 5 lawyers from 720 Bay St. to keep me in jail you pedofaggot!

I walked out that day promising not to tell the world that Stephen Harper and Pedo MacKay are responsible for ALL THE RUSSELL DAVID WILLIAMS MURDERS, (including Deborah Rashotte) and ALL OF THE SCARBOROUGH RAPES,.. and a famous murder in the U.S.A. on Christmas Night in 1996,... over the fly-by-wire aviation network.

Bill, eventually people will compare the hand writing of Colonel Underpants ALL CAPS STYLE to that on the ransom note, and the tone of voice to the message left on Anne Cooke's computer... and it will all come apart.

Your buddy Vernon Whyte, the senator has some explaining to do as well...

ALL GUILTY OF MURDER..... People will know who Williams real father is soon enough Bill Blair! You can thank #MarkEllis and #OrEddy for this disclosure.

Anyway,...Bill, I see you standing behind the Attorney General of The United States of America, Bill Barr.

Bill Barr is the face of the 200 MILLION MAN AND WOMAN Q-ANON MOVEMENT, and every man and woman of the United States Marines, and 15 Intelligence Agencies has pledged to support the initiative of President Donald Trump, and conduct executions of all pedophiles, as requested by Agent Margaritaville on November 18th, 2018 - Abel Danger.

They brought nobody to justice for my child.

So I am bringing 🇨🇦 Canada’s Bill, home with the turning point in #thegreatawakening for all of Canada!

It is Put up or shut up time for Bill,....... BOTH OF BILL's!

Thanks to General Flynn for any assistance rendered in appreciating the Executive Order of 2019, essentially endorsing Operation #DBug.

Your's Truly

Gerald Brummell
GarSoft Systems Mill

Agent Margaritaville

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