Formidable Turnout In Annapolis, Maryland As Protests Spread


Yellow Vests


Published on Apr 19, 2020

Marylanders of all political stripes filled the streets of Annapolis yesterday demanding an end to the tyrannical Coronavirus restrictions that are wreaking havoc on the state. To give you an idea of the size of the turnout, here you can see a caravan of cars leading into downtown. And this is obviously just one of the roads that leads into the Capitol. Ecstatic that I was an active participant and got to be part of History in the making. Drove around for hours with a sign that read "We Will Not Comply With Illegal Edicts". Everyone honked as a sign of approval. Great things are happening in America. The whole world is watching. What's transpiring here will serve to inspire others around the world to follow suit. God Bless America!!

Video provided by Leslie Boone - Thanks so much!

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