Brian Hooker on Vaccine Safety, Science, and the Risk from Vaccines that do not stop Infections




Published on Jan 29, 2021

Brian Hooker is Professor of Biology at Simpson University and has been raised as a believer in vaccines. In this Interview with Klartext publisher Uwe Alschner he speaks about the problem of vaccine safety or a lack thereof, about the current crisis with SARS-CoV2 and Covid-19 and how important it is to read the sciences firsthand, instead of relying on experts who are all too often not transparent enough regarding full disclosure of interests and reasons for advocating certain measures. Sciences is not a religion, Hooker says. He also talks about his own personal story as father of a vaccine injured child and how he got contacted out of the blue by a senior scientist at the CDC, Dr. William Thompson, who blew the whistle on scientific fraud commited at the CDC on the issue of vaccine safety. These revelations ultimately led to the film Vaxxed, its sequel Vaxxed 2 and the latest documentary 1986 The Act. All films are highly recommended for background that is immensly helpful in understanding also of the current crisis.

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