God Can Use You Wherever You Are (Devotional)


Brad from Carolina


Published on Aug 20, 2019

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Sometimes we find ourselves in a season where we question whether or not we are doing God’s will - should I leave my job? Should I walk away from my life to serve God in some other “greater” capacity or ministry. This is evidence of the Holy Spirit working in your life. It's important to note that all are called to walk away from their life, to leave their job, to start a ministry, to leave it all behind. God has His people in every quarter. We are all created of one flesh and one blood and as believers walk in one Spirit, but we don't all share the same skills or levels of faithfulness. For those who are extremely grounded in God’s Word and in submission to His will, your reasonable service for the kingdom could be to reflect His will right where you are. God intends for all to hear to hear the Gospel and thus be preserved an opportunity to accept Jesus Christ into their heart. This requires strong followers in faith to “...visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.” (James 1:27)

Ease your mind with this bit of truth:
God is in control of ALL. He has a plan and His will is going to be done. We don't always know what exactly what His plan for us is, as individuals. But, it's not everyone's calling to walk away from their life. He can use you right where you are. He can use you in ways that you might not have yet considered. The important thing is to keep your relationship with Him alive and active everyday so the Holy Spirit can guide you in all things.

Young rich ruler example: Luke 18:18-30
Jesus called the rich ruler to leave his life and follow Him because Jesus perceived in the ruler’s heart that he loved his life more than God, that he had later up his own material rewards here in the earth, which will pass away. Jesus called him to walk away from his lifestyle because it was his lifestyle that separated him from God and from salvation. This is not the requirement for all. God has His people in every quarter to minister to those that would otherwise not hear the Word or witness a true follower of Jesus Christ. Those are the one’s who are strong in the faith! God will use us right where we are if we are faithful.

You might just be more of a soldier for the Kingdom right where you are than if you walked away from your established life.

A most important element of living in the faith of Jesus Christ is to do your part in keeping the relationship alive and being constantly connected to your Savior through the most powerful tool you have, prayer and conversation with Him daily. This is how we come to giving the Holy Spirit control to guide our lives - constant communication with our Father.

When we live from that perspective, God can do amazing things with all of us wherever we are.

He uses His faithful to do His will wherever they are.

Don't let the idea that your feeling critical about your position in your career cause you to feel guilt or worry about being a part of something you see as unfruitful.

The fruits God is concerned with are yours. The fruits His Spirit has given you to display while you are in the world (in, not of the world). Those fruits of the Spirit are needed right where you are because there are many who can benefit from knowing you and simply observing your way.

(Galatians 5:22-26) tells us exactly what these fruits are and how to walk in faith so that other believers might be inspired to do the same or that unbelievers might even be lead to follow Jesus simply from observing your example.

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. Let us not be desirous of vain glory, provoking one another, envying one another.”

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