Jacinda is locking down Auckland from tomorrow. They found cases of covid in a house. NZ next.


Cross the Rubicon


Published on Aug 11, 2020

Just got this information.

Auckland from noon tomorrow is locked down. level 3 there and level 2 for the rest of NZ.
Elections in just a few weeks and I have no doubt this is the reason. Judith Collins had better come out attacking this or she's part of it too.
This is just because covid was found in a house in the Auckland region. She, Jacinda is going to destroy this nation because she's being told to by the UN, the WHO, the CCP take your pick.
She is now, I truly believe committing an act of treason against this nation. The media are complicit in her actions because she's bought them with your tax payers dollars.
More people will die of stress related illnesses, violence, suicides than covid would ever do.
All this is by design by a globalist cabal.
She has to win this election or NZ fails to be destroyed the way she's ordered to do it.
National had better attack this or they're showing they are part of this destruction of the economy.

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