[dialectradio] Year of attacks strengthen the Yellow Vests - demands focus on peoples referenda




Published on Nov 28, 2019

Thibault Devienne joins us from Paris to takes through trials and tribulations of the Yellow Vest protest movement a year after it began. As someone involved in local politics he felt the time was right to take his work for change onto the streets since it was becoming obvious president Macron would not listen to strong arguments his political opposition were putting forward. As a banker technocrat president he simply seemed to want to impose more taxes on the poor and middle class as a tool of the rich oligarchy and to repay government debt. Since France is generally a socialist country this forced a disconnect between the president and the mass of the people who saw him as some kind of farm manager for the oligarchy rather than a public servant. Terrorism laws have been abused by the French elite to criminalise peaceful Yellow Vest protesters, stripping away basic human rights, guaranteed in European and international law. Its also clear that violent elements have been deliberately allowed to wreak havoc in order to distract the mass media away from actual demands of the Yellow Vest movement. Still, French people have suffered much and as Macron attempts to crack down the protesters only develop new tactics and grow stronger.

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