Dr Corsi "Rage, Race, & Riots" DEEP DIVE 6/2/20: Soros fund Antifa BLM insurrection since Obama Pt 2


Jerome Corsi


Published on Jun 2, 2020

Get Dr. Corsi's new eBook, "Rage, Race, and Riots," at https://www.corsination.com... excerpts:

George Soros and the “War on Cops”

"A leaked document from George Soros’ Open Society Foundation made clear
Soros was on the “community policing” bandwagon with a view to building a
“national movement” to reform local police forces with federal guidelines that
would end up creating a national police force dedicated to achieving socialist
“community policing goals.”

"In the 2016 election cycle, Soros channeled more than $3 million into seven local
district-attorney campaigns over six states. His goal was to overhaul the U.S.
justice system consistent with his socialist views dedicated to implementing the
principles of community policing on a national scale."

The Cloward-Piven Theory to Bankrupt America

On May 2, 1966, two Columbia University sociologists, Professor of Social Work
Richard A. Cloward, and his then research associate Frances Fox Piven, wrote a
pivotal article in The Nation, articulating “a strategy to end poverty.”

"In what became known as the Cloward-Piven strategy, the article argued a
revolutionary approach to mobilizing the poor in a form of class warfare against
capitalist forces viewed as exploiting labor and oppressing the poor. David
Horowitz, a long-time student of Leftist political movements in the United States
characterized the Cloward-Piven strategy as seeking “to hasten the fall of
capitalism by overloading the government bureaucracy with a flood of impossible
demands, thus pushing society into crisis and economic collapse.”

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