Soviet Israel explained by Cultural Martins 🤓👽👻


jaleel appleseed


Published on Jun 5, 2020

This is pretty good,. Even tho I don’t really like Eric garland and Lincoln Bible., because they always called me an auntie zem,. And Lincoln Bible blocked me,. Cuz I mentioned chabad to her,. I get what they say,. About these guys worship the money,. But there is a religious aspect to all of this,. I choose to be more forth coming, especially cuz of 911 ., the death of some say 80million, thru sanctions, war, civil war, starvations, etc from the war of terror,. People won’t bat an eye pointing out islamic or white extremists but they won’t call out the most extreme and racist religion on the planet,. I’m sure it errks all y’all too,. I really try to be more open minded and not use generalized terms or dole out collective punishment,. There is a fine line between naming the criminals and becoming a useful idiot for their agenda because of the bigotry aspect that tags along as baggage 🧳 when you discuss these topics,. And I get that, optics are important I shouldn’t preach cuz I am a clown ,. And it is hard for me to take all this too seriously because frankly the public doesn’t care,. But with that said ,. I really think we are at a unique time in history where change ,. For the better is possible , that is why they locked us all up on house arrest then incited a race war,. Now the military is on our streets and this will be the new normal,. The MagaTards who should be against fascism and martial law ,. Are the ones cheering it on,. Both sides are useful idiots,.

I try to explain to people that black lives matter was an organic response to centuries of black Americans being targeted,. We can all measure FBI stats till the cows come home but what did,. Mark Twain say “there are liars , damned liars and then statistics,. “ or something,.

I am pro Black ,. I am also pro white,. Pro Muslim,. Pro Christian,. Pro jew if they can act right,. I guess that makes me a cultural Marxist,. If you look at history at even a cursory glance, you should be able to work out that every major city was culturally and racially diverse., from Babylon to Egypt to Rome to Timbuktu, very few countries or people are racially pure,. Especially here in America,.

I do find it distasteful that Europeans as a whole are blamed for all the world’s ills,. But then you see idiots posting quotes of Haile Selassie ,. Even tho he fed his lions off gold plates ,. Ban’d Arabic, harar Ethiopia 🇪🇹 is the 4th holy city in Islam, people on all sides are idiots , we get judged by the tru flunkies or our race/ group/ while the media is the first to hand the 🎙 mic to them,

America does have a dark history, and it needs to, confront that , because as Americans we will share the same destination,. In the long run., but with all that said , guess who is taking full advantage of this civil war 2.0

History of ADL B’Nai birth kkk subversion

Lincoln Bible twitter 🤓

Eric garland twitter 🙃

And Zev shelev (who I actually kinda like)

But if you want the full story,. Duh it is all right here

Global Oligarchs- exposè the enemy ,.

This video has 2k views ,. That is a ducking crime

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Music dj Curious “reminisce of a rude boy” 97-98ish
Side B
Side A

Myron Sugarman (chabadi jihadi-reformed Mafiya)

Do blackLives matter in israel

Judea-Africa-America (slave trade) David Sheen

Professor Tony Martin- “the JWish slave trade of afrika”

There is definitely a religious-racial component,. To this, to ignore that, is just foolishness in the same breath- the European to Islamic slave trades ,. Were never possible without goyim involvement, to most black peoples jWish are white European settler colonialist from their perspective they are right in that assessment, most of the narratives , we hear all on sides have a vein of truth, they get us into an emotional irrational state,. The think tanks have considered all these strategies, the technology is in a dangerous position to really, ruin our society, and set up, a system of true tyranny this world has never seen.

We all can do better , every life has purpose and meaning the most profound things I have learned in life, came from the mouths of babes, sucklings, and homeless dRunks 👶👧🍶🍾🍸🥂🧃