I Should Have Been More Professional


Computing Forever


Published on Aug 28, 2016

(Please Read)
I stand by my statements in my video “Debunking Marxist Sargonism”, I believe I was right and justified in my arguments. I still maintain that Carl is hypocritically espousing fundamentally marxist principles in his approach to economics. Wealth redistribution cannot work, it never has. I believe Carl was putting forth the same naive utopian ideals that have led to economic and social collapse wherever they have been implemented. I believe that the comparisons I made about his emotional and ideologically biased thinking being similar to those of Marxist feminists are accurate.

However, in hindsight, I was far too emotional and should have privately dealt with some of the personal grievances I had with Carl following the initial stream with him and Independent Man on Sunday 21st of August. I should have produced a purely calm and level-headed video rebuttal and not expressed everything so aggressively and emotionally. I shouldn't have gotten so personal with Carl publicly. There was a more professional way of conducting myself with more courteousness, tact and respect.

It does not represent the rational, skeptical, Anti-SJW YouTube community to its best advantage if people such as myself sink to such pettiness. I promise all of my subscribers that this is something I have learned from and I will endeavour to do better in the future. I also regret creating such YouTube melodrama.

As for the possibility of reconciliation with Carl, following his response to my video, it is clear we won’t be finding any kind of common ground on this issue. However that’s fine, our community must operate with the maturity and respect to tolerate differing views and opinions. After all, that’s how a healthy marketplace of ideas should function. I’m keen to put the whole experience behind me and move on.

Source videos:

Original Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3YcR2qVTVMM

Debunking Marxist Sargonism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h25OMMZ8qrA

Sargon's Response video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F4xUKlWslsE

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