Report #45: Kimberly Aarth Reveals Psychiatric & Medical Malpractice in N. Dakota, Minnesota


Ramola D Reports


Published on Jan 27, 2018

Witness to the crimes of false diagnosis and psychiatric malpractice in North Dakota and Minnesota hospitals, Kimberly Arth reveals in this conversation how a sudden illness in Feb 2017 led to her being hospitalized and quickly committed to a psychiatric ward for evaluation, observation, forced drugging and blatant medical malpractice. Complicit in her labeling as delusional and obvious targeting was a long-lost cousin who fabricated stories about her being dangerously delusional; this cousin was later found to have been diagnosed with mental illness herself.

Kimberly relates that her own background with her father being an attorney and various illustrious relatives led to her maintaining her composure and speaking up for herself while under lockdown in Sanford Hospital's psychiatric ward; a Lyme disease patient with several food allergies, she was unable to convince hospital staff that she had special dietary needs because she had expediently been named “delusional,” until she had an anaphylactic shock reaction to food she was given and compelled staff to call in the “Panic Squad” since apparently, at this hospital, no-one in the Psychiatric Ward was permitted to receive medical care, what they were given was psychiatric care,which in Kim's case translated to forced medication.

Relating how and why she thinks she was targeted for what seemed like a major psychiatric takedown at this hospital—her very going to the ER being prompted by what she thinks was covert energy weapons attack—Kim relates many stories (which she distinguishes clearly as stories told to her) related to chilling accounts of genocide, child abuse, human trafficking and organ harvesting she had been given. She also discusses scenarios in Minnesota related to Satanist priests, Masons running hospitals, and Bishops being if not complicit, aware of Masonic activities. Offering fascinating accounts and dark visions of what may or may not be going on behind the scenes in some of the places she describes, Kim also discusses the witness of others regarding the creation and operation of FEMA camps, prisons, thousands of foreign troops, and underground cities in areas of North Dakota and Minnesota.

Additionally Kim shares evidence from her medical records and subsequent tests and reports to establish her Lyme disease diagnosis, even though it was symptoms of this disease which were disbelieved, and chalked down as “delusional parasitosis.” Unsettling also is her finding that she was being set up for psychiatric commitment at a notorious psychiatric facility nearby at Anoka, well before her scheduled court hearing—in what she fears may be related to possible underground organ harvesting networks; what saved her was her own actions of self-advocacy in writing a letter to the judge, establishing her food allergies and other medical diagnoses and questioning her cousin's false statements about her.

Kim has come forward to deliver her witness accounts both, she says, for herself and for those forgotten ones locked away in the psychiatric ward she was held in, whose situation is largely unknown to the world. Please share with medical professionals nationwide and worldwide.

Links Kim has provided, to videos and articles mentioned in or relevant to our conversation:

The Rense site article/NWO Plans Exposed By Insider In 1969
From Kim: “It can be a long article, but if you just scroll down to the list it talks of the future, hospitals shall be used as prisons.”

Psychopolitics: Communist Brainwashing, Conquest through Mental healing, Psychiatry:

Lyme/Modern-day Tuskegee Experiment
All Auto-immune diseases the same

Parasite connection/Drs who had cure in 1950's

Documentary showing Modern-day Tuskegee Expeiment (unlisted video)