Dr Corsi NEWS 09-11-20: MAD DOG Joins Coup d'État


Jerome Corsi


Published on Sep 11, 2020

BLM rioters, looters, and murderers attack peaceful patrons at restaurants in Rochester New York as the Left-wing violence perpetrated to destroy America continues.

Bob Woodward has written a new book, "Rage," in which pre-release excerpts include a discussion between former Defense Secretary under President Trump, General James Mattis, and then Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats, the topic: A plot to launch a coup and overthrow the elected government of the United States.

Kamala Harris was greeted yesterday in Miami by a crowd cheering for four more years for President Trump, and chanting "No Communista" to the Marxist Democrat VP wannabe. So disappointing when people who know communism first had are all against it, right Kamala?

Bill Ayers, Weather Underground terrorist turned academic, and presumed writer of the book "Dreams From My Father" with Barack Hussein Obama's name on the cover, believes a civil war has already begun. Perhaps he's just trying to relive his "glory" days of his misspent youth during the '60s when he blew up police stations with fellow terrorist and then "law" professor Bernardine Dohrn.

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