Religion is a private matter, doesn't have an effect on the politics of Ron Paul


Ryan Dawson


Published on Jan 27, 2012

First time I have ever seen a politician especially one running for president say that. Paul does want to give the authority over abortion to states rather than the federal government. But that's the same argument he makes for legalizing drugs. Even though he does not personally endorse or use drugs, constitutionally one sweeping decision by the federal government over who can use what is wrong it legally should be the states deciding on the matter. Now even though I am personally pro-choice I have to yield to that on the abortion argument as well, the federal government shouldn't be granting these massive decisions, it's something I happen to agree with in that case but what happens' when it isn't? It's a dangerous and slippy slope. Furthermore as it stands now abortion is a judicial decision so realistically what the executive branch thinks about it is irrelevant. Lastly if that is really your main issue over the war murdering millions and the economy where trillions have been stolen, then go fuck yourself.