Christina Hoff Sommers - Feminism & Its Impact on Society - Radio 3Fourteen


Red Ice TV


Published on Jan 12, 2016

Christina Hoff Sommers, a former philosophy professor who taught ethics, is probably best known for her critique of late-twentieth-century feminism. She is also known for her extensive writings, among them Who Stole Feminism?, The War Against Boys, One Nation Under Therapy & The Science on Women and Science. Her textbook, Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life, a bestseller in college ethics, is currently in its ninth edition. Her latest book is called Freedom Feminism - Its Surprising History and Why it Matters Today. She runs the Factual Feminist video blog, covering all subjects related to feminist philosophies and practices. Her #FactFem colleagues use a data-driven approach to the basic tenets of feminism and related topics.

Christina begins sharing the forgotten history of "conservative feminism" and "maternal feminism" during the 1st wave. We discuss the suffragettes and why there were many women opposed to them. We discuss a more accurate portrayal of the relationship between men and women in the suffragette era, as opposed to the radical feminist view. Then, we'll discuss 2nd wave feminism and how things went awry leading up to today's radical feminist. Christina points out the top feminist myths and denounces feminist mysandry and the all out war on boys. From male shaming to "men going their own way" we'll look at the damage modern feminism is doing to the relationship between the sexes and to society as a whole. There is nothing more fundamental & delicate than the relationship of male and female. Later, we'll speculate on what consequences, as well as backlash, may unfold to unchecked feminism and a culture of victimhood.

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