Worldwide epidemics of chronic diseases through vaccinations?


nunzio castiglione youtube


Published on Mar 7, 2020

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Worldwide epidemics of chronic diseases through vaccinations?
From September 25th-27th, 2018, a meeting was held in Rome with the responsible persons of the “Global Laboratory Network” for the quality control of vaccines.

Scientists, physicians and medical journalists from all around the world are calling on the WHO and the participating laboratories to investigate the cause of the alarming worldwide increase in chronic diseases and disorders associated with immune system dysfunction.
With impressive sources and facts, they point out that most likely vaccinations must be held responsible!
Once again it is astonishing that this critical information, which has been sent to a large number of people, has never been publicly discussed or mentioned by politicians or the media.
Especially in times of the planned introduction of a compulsory vaccination this would have been important. In this way, however, mainstream media exercise silent censorship in their reporting by consistently suppressing counter-voices.
Help, dear viewers, to overcome the persistent censorship by spreading this broadcast. Listen to the appeal addressed to the World Health Organization in the following. Kla-TV publishes a shortened version.
The open letter is available in full length at the following link:
“By sharing science and joining efforts towards better health, your organisation has improved the lives of millions of people, and we are grateful for this. Today however, we are facing a new epidemic: chronic disease. In the USA, one in two adults has a chronic disease and one in four has two or more. Recently, independent researchers and laboratories have discovered that many vaccines are contaminated with retroviruses (viruses that can insert themselves into other cells and cause cancer) and polluted by nanoparticles (smallest invisible particles which can cause inflammation). High levels of aluminium associated with vaccine adjuvants have been found in the brains of autistic children or in people suffering from neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. In your previous meeting you advocated for less independent testing, considered ‘redundant’, in order to speed up the supply of products. The recent administration of 250,000 defective vaccines in China, the tragedy of the oral polio campaign in India with over 450,000 cases of paralysis and death [...], reports from all over the world of chronic pain and paralysis after administration of the HPV vaccine (cervical cancer vaccination) show that vaccine safety and efficacy are being tragically disregarded in this drive for fast-tracking approval and easy certification. [...]All over the world, millions of people have signed petitions demanding more safety, transparency and independent research, but decision makers chose fast-tracking instead.
To restore confidence lost, we insist that before any kind of recommendation or authorisation is issued, ALL vaccines pre-qualified or recommended by the WHO will be submitted to:
• Extensive clinical trials conducted by bodies independent from the manufacturers
• Medium- and long-term studies on efficiency and safety, not ‘days’.
• Tests for carcinogenic properties
• Tests around fertility issues
• Tests on pregnancy, spontaneous abortion and the developing foetus […]
• Tests for effects on the neurological system and development of the brain. […]
We also insist that the WHO should provide studies on:
• Adjuvants and preservatives such as aluminium and mercury and their bioaccumulation […]
• Vaccine safety and the age of vaccine administration
• The impact of full vaccine schedules on the global health of a population
• The comparison of vaccinated versus unvaccinated populations in global health terms. […]
And if the WHO guarantees the safety of the vaccine it is pre-qualifying, it should also assume liability for adverse events following vaccination.
Promoting mandatory vaccination for entire populations with products that essentially rely on manufacturers’ data for their general safety and efficacy is an evident breach of the precautionary principle and as such becomes a forced medical experiment.
Since the health risk of vaccination is entirely borne by individuals, the WHO must ensure that it is minimal, and that fully informed consent is observed.
In order to restore public trust in health authorities and improve public health policies worldwide, we therefore demand actions and answers that meet our requests.
We thank the honorable members of this assembly for their attention and pray they will open their hearts and minds to our message.”

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