Waffen SS - Sworn Warriors of Europe




Published on Jun 1, 2011

Meine Ehre heißt Treue"

The most important political and military phenomenon of World War Two is also the least known: the phenomenon of the Waffen SS.

The Waffen SS was a European expression of power: One million men gathering of their own free will. They fought for the preservation of their country and culture.

By the end of the war, the Germans in the SS were in the minority, 60% of its members were from other nations. All united to face the evil of Bolshevism.

"It is hard to imagine that from a total of one million SS, 352,000 were killed in action with 50,000 more missing. It is a grim figure! Four hundred thousand of the finest young men in Europe! Without hesitation they sacrificed themselves for their beliefs. They knew they had to give an example. They were the first on the front line as a way to defend their country and their ideals." --Leon Degrelle

"In victory or defeat the Waffen SS always sought to be the best representatives of their people."--Leon Degrelle

This video is dedicated to all the men who fought under the SS banner, for Europe