Autism Truth Part 8 – Who Is Dr. Buttar, What Motivates Him, What Is He About?| Dr Rashid A Buttar


Dr Rashid A Buttar


Published on Feb 27, 2019

Autism Truth Part 8 – Who Is Dr. Buttar, What Motivates Him, What Is He About?... takes you first into the lives of 4 different patients, their individual journeys, the trials and tribulations they experienced and eventually, the outcomes that most would have thought were impossible to even contemplate. And then, this video will show you what motivates the doctor who developed these protocols that achieved these extraordinary results. The protocols are reproducible and in the hands of any empathetic and caring physician, will achieve the same extraordinary results.

Fueled by a passion for “…making the CHANGE the WORLD is waiting for”, Dr. Buttar is the leading the way and shifting the paradigm of what is considered to be the norm and expected as far as results and outcomes considered to be accepted in the conventional medical world. And to be clear, this shift being discussed is not just in Autism, but in all chronic diseases including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, stroke, and other neurodegenerative diseases. However, the principals are just as applicable for anyone who wishes to achieve extraordinary results in their personal health and wellness goals.

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