Israel's Two Wars; Palestine and the USA; Prof. Robert Jensen




Published on Jan 26, 2017

Israelis are atheists. Ninety percents of them are not even religious. There are two wars in is to murder and steal from the Palestinian people and the other is the war of public relations in the USA to keep the 11 million dollars a day of our tax money flowing towards israhell. That is the only use these Atheist 'jews' have for you...what they don't steal from you outright through Goldman/Sachs and the FED they rob you in taxes that we desperately need for our own veterans and homeless and infrastructure. Same thing in Germany where the German people are forced to pay a LARGE monthly stipend to all jews and their descendants who 'survived' the holohoax. The 'jews' have devastated the USA and Europe and now they are planning on bringing war to our people to 'cover their crimes' with the deaths of those who are innocent.