Doctor Warns Humanity About Moderna, Inc. Vaccine


Mike Baker


Published on Aug 31, 2020

Dr. Carrie Madej, explains the 3 major components of the Moderna vaccine, and its frightening implications for humanity. You definitely want to be aware of the information that she shares with us about this experimental vaccine which is coming at us right now (thanks to Emperor Trump) at "warp speed," and from a company that has never successfully produced any sort of vaccine or medication in its short and unlikely history. The Moderna vaccine will basically encode every cell in your body with RNA that company owns and patents, essentially turning you into a genetically-modified human being--a Human 2.0, if you will. It will also inject microscopic transceivers into your body that will have the ability to both send and receive information. Do you really want someone to be able to monitor and perhaps even manipulate your body remotely? There are many, many things to consider about this vaccine that just aren't being discussed in the mainstream propaganda media. So, why is it that the talking heads on TV aren't asking any of the tough and glaringly obvious questions about this vaccine. And, why is it that all of the CIA-hatched Tech Giants like this one routinely censoring prominent medical doctors who are asking those questions? Watch and learn, folks. I think the reasons why will become obvious to you in about 20 minutes.

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