Ursula Haverbeck - English language message to the British




Published on Jan 1, 2015

WVradioman's up-loads (total of 88.!): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUvsxRjHXrPdAgCinyKBYAMA
*** It is now TRULY apparent., that *the wonderfully un-biased "bastions of freedom" at YouTube are REALLY doing their very best to make my channel virtually "invisible".* This has been done by means of restricting / limiting so many of my 87 videos by pre-empting their viewing with first making the following announcement to the viewer (though they are still available by searching my channel's video lists).

*"The following content has been identified by the YouTube community as inappropriate or offensive to some audiences."*

Along with NOT allowing "comments" & "likes", and even to the point of hiding the video's "view counts". -- *One of which was only a few thousand views away from reaching 2,000,000 views..!!*

Please do your best to share whatever other videos here *(whether YT has its "features disabled" or not.!)* that you would consider to be beneficial to those you also believe to have a true "hunger & thirst for knowledge & Truth".....

Eric (aka: WVradioman)
This is a short English language interview of Ursula Haverbeck (done in early January of 2015.?) and was conducted by Michèle Suzanne, Lady Renouf., who's voice / comment can be heard at the end of the interview. *(please take the time to read the continuing commentary below., in order to get a better understanding / context of this short interview)*

Following the events in Paris, the "Je Suis Charlie campaign", which called for the protection and promotion of "freedom of opinion AND speech". Ursula Haverbeck points-out that with the "mainstream historical authorities" now admitting that the Auschwitz concentration / work camp was NOT the scene of the murder of FOUR million Jews in homicidal gas chambers., that there is no established "scene of the crime". She has challenged the official bodies including ministers of the various German states / provinces to provide an answer AND to define the scene of the crime..!! They have so far failed to do so, and she must therefore conclude., that there is no substantiation to the "official history" of Auschwitz..!!

Michèle Suzanne, Lady Renouf (born 1946) is an Australian-born British advertising model, and a lifelong international television commercials actress with a thirty (30) year membership of "British Actors Equity". She has become known in recent years for her defense of "Holocaust deniers" such as David Irving, Robert Faurisson, Bishop Richard Williamson, Germar Rudolf, Ernst Zündel, Fredrick Töben, and MANY others., in which she speaks of in her broadcasts of the "Telling Films" documentaries. Though not a revisionist author or researcher herself., she HAS been frequently characterized by opponents as a "Holocaust denier". Renouf has also described Judaism as a "repugnant and hateful religion".

The world NEEDS to have GREAT admiration AND respect for these (and other.!) such truly courageous women..!!

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