Natural COVID ANTIBODIES: A scientific debate on taking the vaccine


Dr. Suneel Dhand - MedStoic Lifestyle Medicine


Published on Mar 30, 2021

I am a doctor that recommends routine vaccinations to all my patients. I have been recommending the COVID vaccine over the last few months, especially to high risk groups first. Here's my story and unique concern, and I want to throw this question out to a SCIENTIFIC DEBATE, as a very important topic that needs to be discussed by the medical & scientific community to people who are in my situation...

All scientific (data backed) responses to my contact form via my site: — another vid coming soon with the real up-to-date Science behind my pending decision!

Note: This does not constitute formal medical advice. Always speak with your physician, even if you test antibody positive, regarding your unique risk factor profile.

#COVID #coronavirus #vaccine #health