InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Aug 8, 2016

Build that wall Donald! is a pro Trump parody compilation which is both a serious warning to America to secure its borders at once as well as comical ... enjoy & GO DONALD! Kerry (along with Jane Fonda) is wrong again -WALLS are and always have been a great first line of defense against foreign enemies. The Canadian border is not easily reached by land and is remote - a foreign enemy must travel a long distance by sea or air (more easily detectable if secreting a large cache of weapons or radioactive WMD)- whereas Mexico is easy to reach by road and land via South & Central America who have weak security screening and lots of open desert. Obama & Hillary both have commanded our hamstrung border patrols via the Obama DOJ & US immigration service - to allow for dead zones or no go zones for illegal immigrants to enter our nation! At what point does anyone in our Congress or Military deem this high treason! Donald Trump has the answer. Empower our 16,000 border patrol and BUILD A MASSIVE impenetrable highly monitored high tech WALL as Israel has done!

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