Jared Taylor on White's Pathological Altruism




Published on Jan 13, 2013

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"PA [Pathological Altruism] is generally defined as a sincere attempt to help others that instead harms others or oneself, and is "an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one's own needs." Several of the contributors offer tantalizing definitions: PA is likely when people "falsely believe that they caused the other's problems, or falsely believe that they have the means to relieve the person of suffering." Or, it is "the false belief that one's own success, happiness, or well-being is a source of unhappiness for others." PA "often involves self-righteousness," and can result in "impulsive and ineffective efforts to equalize or level the playing field.""

January 8, 2013
Ripped from: http://www.youtube.com/user/NordisktUppror/