The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion - Full Audiobook


Amino's Truth 2


Published on Apr 10, 2019

I had uploaded this to my original channel before it was Jewleted so here, once again is this essential knowledge.

The significance, importance and accuracy of the information presented within this text/audio cannot be overstated. It is THE defining document concerning the diabolical and monolithic conspiracy to enslave mankind under the yoke of a Halachic totalitarian police state. It may well have been penned by a Rothschild or possibly one of their aids such as Adam Weishaupt, Theodore Herzl or Asher Ginzberg but we will likely never know for sure. What can be said with certainty though is the plan outlined has been and continues to be a blue print for the NWO and its Luciferian architects.

Henry Ford who funded the printing and distribution of 500,000 copies of the text in the 1920's said it best, "The only statement I care to make about the Protocols is that they fit in with what is going on. They are sixteen years old, and they have fitted the world situation up to his time. They fit it now."

original link: