Spirit Cooking: Evil In Government | Mike Cernovich, Vox Day and Stefan Molyneux


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Nov 4, 2016

The Hillary Clinton Presidential campaign has been rocked by continued FBI Investigation related to her illegal email server, handling of classified information, pay-to-play at the Clinton Foundation and much more! Julian Assange and Wikileaks have confirmed the level of corruption and media collusion that many expected through their release of Clinton Campaign Manager John Podesta's emails.

Several of the latest Podesta emails have provided information connecting the controversial performance artist Marina Abramovic and the disgusting practice of "Spirit Cooking" to the Clinton inner circle. Stefan Molyneux is joined by Mike Cernovich and Vox Day to discuss the spirit cooking scandal and the unfathomable evil among those at high levels within government.

Background Links

Mike Cernovich is the bestselling author of Gorilla Mindset. He is a lawyer, a journalist who has broken several news stories of international interest, and the producer of the film documentary Silenced.

Follow Mike on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Cernovich
Read Danger and Play: http://www.dangerandplay.com
Follow Mike on Periscope: https://www.periscope.tv/Cernovich
Order Gorilla Mindset: http://www.fdrurl.com/gorilla-mindset
Order MAGA Mindset: http://www.fdrurl.com/MAGA

Vox Day is a multiple-time Hugo Award nominee who writes epic fantasy as well as non-fiction including “SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police” and “Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America.”

He is the lead designer of next-generation Wikipedia replacement Infogalactic and also runs Castalia House publishing - which just released Mike Cernovich’s new book “MAGA Mindset.”

Vox Day's Books: http://www.fdrurl.com/vox-day
Vox Day's Blog: http://voxday.blogspot.com
Castalia House: http://www.castaliahouse.com
Infogalactic: https://infogalactic.com

SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police

Cuckservative: How "Conservatives" Betrayed America

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