Swift Messages and Pound Sterling - a bit of fun!


Amazing Polly


Published on Dec 14, 2019

Will Soros try to crash the bank of England again? What does Taylor Swift have to do with any of it? Probably nothing, but this is a bit of fun...
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Soros in the Guardian warning 2016: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/jun/20/brexit-crash-pound-living-standards-george-soros

Soros never used his own money bank of england: https://traderace.com/pt/blogue/trade-forex-formula-1-forex-trading

Planned with Precision: https://www.independent.ie/entertainment/music/taylor-swift-how-her-rise-to-the-top-was-planned-with-precision-38428076.html

Variety, Lee/Swift: https://variety.com/2019/music/news/carlyle-group-taylor-swift-scooter-braun-1203435109/

Scott Kingsley Swift: https://taylorswift.fandom.com/wiki/Scott_Swift

SWIFT banking: https://www.investopedia.com/articles/personal-finance/050515/how-swift-system-works.asp

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