Red Ice Radio - Andrew Johnson - Pt 5 - Chemtrails, Weather Modification & Climate Change


Red Ice TV


Published on Feb 3, 2010

In recent years, the issues of supposed 'Climate Change' and 'Global Warming' have been thrust upon us from all directions. The weather is important to us all, so we should look carefully at the skies, and we should avail ourselves of some facts. Is someone modifying the weather? Can it be true that so many people are blind to something being done in 'plain sight'? Andrew Johnson is behind the website and joins us to discuss Chemtrails, weather modification and climate change in our first hour. Topics Discussed: The Origins of the Website, Aircraft Grid, Chemtrails, Contrails, Persistent Jet Trails, Clifford Carnicom, HAARP, Morgellons Disease, Discovery Channel documentary on Chemtrails, Where are the whistleblowers or pilots speaking out? Geo-Engineering, Global Dimming, Weather Modification, FOIA in the UK, Traffic over 15000 feet, Circular Chemtrails, Azores, HAARP, ELF, Tetra System, Energy, Health Effects, EISCAT, Environment Effects, Chemtrails only one part of a bigger program and more. Make sure you join us for a very exciting second hour for Red Ice Members with Andrew Johnson. We begin to talk about weather modification, but we'll take this into another arena pretty quickly and begin to discuss Hurricane Erin and some of the anomalies that happened on the morning of 9/11. This will take us into the area of Directed Energy Weapons - this is where 9/11 research and weather modification connects. Was the World Trade Center buildings destroyed by some kind of Energy Weapon, well we'll discuss some of this evidence with everything from strange bent metal to people reported to have been levitating close by. We talk about Thermite, Controlled Demolition, and the interesting connections of Professor Stephen E. Jones and towards the end we even tie in Crop Circle research and point to the similar effects. You don't want to miss our second hour with Andrew Johnson!

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