Amie talks about the terrifying impact of SB132 on incarcerated women in California.


Kellie-Jay Keen


Published on Feb 19, 2021

This is a highlight from the podcast

SB 132 cited as "“The Transgender Respect, Agency, and Dignity Act.” or should be known as the "The Act that doesn't respect women or their agency or dignity".

"2606. (a) An individual incarcerated by the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation who is transgender, nonbinary, or intersex, regardless of anatomy, shall:
(1) Be addressed in a manner consistent with the incarcerated individual’s gender identity.
(2) If lawfully searched, be searched according to the search policy for their gender identity or according to the gender designation of the facility where they are housed, based on the individual’s search preference. If the incarcerated individual’s preference or gender identity cannot be determined, the search shall be conducted according to the gender designation of the facility where they are housed.
(3) Be housed at a correctional facility designated for men or women based on the individual’s preference, including, if eligible, at a residential program for individuals under the jurisdiction of the department. These programs include, but are not limited to, the Alternative Custody Program, Custody to Community Transitional Reentry Program, Male Community Reentry Program, or Community Prisoner Mother Program."

Natasha Chart, executive director of WoLF, said, “Incarcerated women in California have no vote and almost no voice in public debate. They are very likely to be impoverished, victims of childhood or domestic abuse, victims of trafficking or coercion, racially marginalized, or be separated from dependent children. The government of California, at the direction of Sen. Scott Weiner and Gov. Gavin Newsom, has sacrificed the Geneva Convention rights of these women to single-sex accommodations, in order to win the praise of a fashionable, deep-pocketed lobby group that’s hijacked feminist and LGB activism. We are outraged for these women, and will do our best to help. Anyone with further information about similar rights abuses of women in US prison housing should visit us on the web at”

The trans report I mentioned.

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