rabbis Racist enlightened synagogue satanist IMF talmud David Duke


lorenzoJHWH Unius REI


Published on Dec 11, 2011

@IsraelNationalTV -- /watch?v=YqbQevoxy74 [[absurd destruction of Israel already provided by IMF in 1871]] This was said in the correspondence: between Albert Pike and Mazzini! but, all the conspiracy theories? have no significance for me because, I am a very: practical man! the problem of Israel: is the same problem: of all the other: Masonic Democracies: of the seigniorage banking: ie, they are: all false: Governs: do not exist. Because, if the IMF: it is private? then, the real royal government, is exercised by: Freemasonry: Satanism: Bildenberg: Trilateral: Multinationals: lobby Enlightened, etc. .. that is, precisely, the complete opposite: of everything: that has been made: ​​to believe: at all the people, here because it was designed, the destruction of Israel, before its foundation .. because, the Rabbis Kakam Illuminati? They do not want: to ever return to Israel .. and that, they would be forced, if Israel had not were destroyed!.. well, our problem: is not to kill the Palestinians: because: we have the right of legitimate defense: also: against the whole human race: if this were necessary. but, We have 2 problems: 1). the Kingdom of God: would never: recognize: a government false: of a fake monetary sovereignty: illegal, fictitious and even: as an expression of the synagogue of Satan, the abduction: IMF, that is: Talmud of Grove: 666 322: ie satanism of Kabbalah, which is the NWO, because this is: just: the ideology of the: Tower of Babel: the demon: Marduk or Baal, that is, precisely, is the opposite: of That, which is: the book of: Genesis be: If, then, you also are: horned and content: to be of the: Satanist Freemasons: you too? Then, you can also: close this page, against me! like this: I am the political project of the Zionist: for Kingdom: of Israel, because: this: is the only legitimacy: that it could not, ever, be challenged by someone .. (both from God: as also by all Nations: but: this: is: the only solution: that: also, the Palestinians will accept) .. because they also know, to have won, when, the Kingdom of Israel, will be destroy, the State of Israel, to give peace: also: at the whole world, and to prevent: the imminent: World War 3 °: nuclear. and, unfortunately: it seems: that: YHWH has chosen me: as King of Israel: because: the world would never accept: a jew: as Unius REI: that is, as a prosecutor: to reorganize, a new: IMF: and for: share: Deploy: honestly: all the resources of the planet. I have been shaped by God: for this work, because: in every way: by hook or by crook, God has decided that the Illuminati must: and: will have come out: of this: sad story: of the IMF.. In a gradual way: through: reflection: I'll get to know every: important secret: so: in an intuitive way: also: the more hidden secrets: Because: I have received: a spiritual and rational faculties: that: has received: even every other man: that is, the metaphysics: of the natural law. and if, I seem smarter, than the others, in this rational faculty? is a function, of my ministry: of: Unius REI, since each ministry: how to be: husband, or journalist, etc. .. has receives from God: the grace in your life: to be able to perform well, your work .. so, too: if, I believe in God. simultaneously: as an atheist: also, I have my reasoning: because, it's always rationality: to take control (so, God decided) .. so, I'm a normal guy .. although some, have awe of me... jews have more trust in all these: Satanists of sewer of the hell: that are Rothschild: 666: & company: 322 Bush, perhaps: the Jews: they think: that: it is easier to face death: through: a war, or through: a Shaoh: rather than: talk to me! if: Lorenzo Scarola: if he had his own interest by protect? he would at least be able to: represent himself! In truth, I am a single man: with his God. then: I represent God only .. here's why: all peoples and all nations: and all: religions: look upon to me: alone, because: 1). I am the only political hope, possible for the salvation of all mankind, 2). for me there is not much difference between a jew or between a pygmy, etc. .. etc. .. because I am the universal brotherhood. 3). well, I do not need to lie like all other men, here's the real reason why all men are afraid of me! But, if men do not make worthy: of the my political truth, that I propose? Then there is nothing that can stop the nuclear WW 3 rd: absolutely: necessary: to regenerate a new one: International Monetary Fund: always based: on predation: of the: debt: public: banking seigniorage, etc., etc. , which are the system Luciferian: to reduce, in a condition of slavery increasingly ruthless all mankind

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