Britain's treacheries during WW1 & WW2 (Creation of Israel, Dunkirk, Dresden, Bengal Famine, etc.)


Tabor 7


Published on Jan 28, 2016

This video focuses on British treacheries during World War 1 and World War 2 and some treacheries during 1800s. This video is a continuation of my youtube video "Panic of 1837 & Fight against Private Central Bank in US till 1913.” Here is British involvement in Greco-Italian war during World War 2 (which is hidden by the mainstream media) -

Starting from November 30, 1941, Britain knew very well about upcoming US-Japan War while this information was hidden from Americans by Britain and British agents in US in order to drag Americans deceptively into World War 2. This is confirmed by the article "London Cries US-Japan War" which can be seen in my youtube video "US Prior Knowlege of Pearl Harbor." Britain and France usually work together for committing atrocities - Second Opium Wars, American Civil War (British Spies and French Spies in the South to destroy America), World War 1, World War 2, etc. French's atrocities in Algeria and other countries are hidden while they promote Holohoax to demonize Germany. French cruel mentality to Germans after world war 1 can be seen in the documentary "Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told." That is why Germans promoted "Hatred of the French" in 1920s. Here is a small video "Make Germany Pay" that shows the cruel mentality of French people against Germans -

French leader Clemenceau and Frenchmen wanted "so called revenge" by forcing Germany to pay the reparations when they were the ones who treacherously cooperated with British in rejecting Germany's peace terms during world war 1.

I also recommend German National Socialist Reventlow's book "The Vampire of the Continent" which provides several interesting information about the wickedness of Britain.

My small trailer for "Adolf Hitler: the greatest story never told" and my video "The Murder of Lawrence of Arabia prior to world war 2" are available here -

My other videos are also available in the above link as well.

Here is a small youtube video about Britain's role behind ISIS -

Legally speaking, Poland has no right to exist as a country due to the fact that Poland was formed after British and French "illegally" defeating Germany by deceptively dragging peace loving Americans into world war 1. Germany was never legally defeated during world war 1.

Christopher Nolan's Dunkirk (2017) is just another propaganda to brainwash Americans.