German Talks About "Holocaust"




Published on Dec 12, 2009

A happily married 36-year-old German by the name of Dirk Zimmermann has sent German copies of Germar Rudolf's 'Lectures on the Holocaust' to various people in German public life. By this act, Dirk Zimmermann has made himself liable to prosecution under German 'Hate Speech' legislation. Rudolf is in prison and his book has been banned, as it questions and doubts the so-called 'Holocaust,' (a crime in modern Europe) which supposedly occurred during World War Two.

This is a conscious act of 'denying the Holocaust.' Dirk Zimmermann is doing this to exercise his free conscience and inalienable right to freedom of thought.

Free Downloads:

Rudolf's book, 'Lectures on the Holocaust: Controversial Issues Cross Examined,' can be downloaded at the following link:

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