UFC 229 thoughts and humor


Ryan Dawson


Published on Oct 7, 2018

khabib’s best quality the reason I liked him the most was composure and the ability to control his emotions. And he pissed that down the drain

People say shit about me, my politics, my family, my lack of religion, where I live, how I look, all that shit like every day. (Because I put myself out there) There are major newspapers trashing me and websites devoted to slandering my name. None of it bothers me not to a point of getting physical. I laugh at most of it. I like to think martial arts training is why. But now days, the Japanese philosophy has been stripped. All they do is teach you the techniques and none of the respectfulness that comes with it. Japanese will refuse to teach arrogant or egotistical people.

It’s about mind and body. Mind is first. They are not training like that any more. It’s all just combat. That’s fight training it’s not martial arts training. People used to crap on kata and say that’s not helping you fight. Your right. The purpose is simply and act of self discipline, learning and memorizing a long series of movements and preforming it in public isn’t about the fight side. It’s about self discipline not motivated by the desire to be a bad ass. It’s not to help your combat. It’s to help you avoid getting into combat in the first place. The other aspect of training are for fighting. Khabib after acting like fool said something true, the media has created a reward system for trash talk and degeneracy.

All this bowing and ritual isn’t just for tradition. It’s a series of respectful acts that must be done because they minimize escalation. Not bowing/touching gloves at the start is not just “no big deal” it’s a slippery slope. These rituals were put in place with a purpose. I would never let my students behave that way. (All my students are adults). When people hate each other is when it’s the most important to do it. It tells them suck it up for a few seconds and remember you’re not the center of the universe. Show respect to the combat itself. https://vimeo.com/293688701

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