BEARTARIA SCAM 5/29: The North Idaho Media Rampage


Digital Jonestown


Published on May 31, 2021

00:00 in a great mood, been off the diet all week.
01:30 bears are very strong and have high neuroplasticity.
02:59 owen hates trump.
03:14 more of a hero than soldiers.
04:21 i live healthy and i'm fat, so i'm supposed to be fat.
04:55 why demonic people hate me.
06:40 people who fake being in a wheelchair.
07:30 demons who spend their whole life lying about me.
08:05 look what i just did to that blogger in north idaho.
10:18 redbar likes me, i warmed his heart.
12:00 mersh is not funny and not skilled.
12:35 people who clip me and make compilation videos.
13:33 daily beast called me for quotes for an article.
14:23 no way you can take redbar seriously
14:35 my enemies are dying for me to send bad meat.
15:17 we're staying in north idaho. we're gonna maga.
15:37 hate whacks.
16:13 i get more shit than anybody.
17:06 99 percent of people watch porn.
17:21 God has been blessing my family with fear but we dont feel fear.
18:00 they dragged my name through the mud.
18:53 the north idaho media went on a rampage.
19:12 making me out to be waco and ruby ridge cult leader.
19:40 the local idaho news outlets are all about pedophilia.
20:47 the big hit video circulated to cops, firefighters, cps.
24:35 i'm not paramilitary, i just split production costs with vertac.
27:13 an army around a castle.