Are Canada's Cops a Collection of CrownChildRapist Coddlers?


Agent Margaritaville


Published on May 2, 2020


"SIC" is the mind of every pedophile pro(sic)utor in the crown.

Especially chain smoking, Jodi Whyte, seen around the Quinte area with her new 'brown skinned boytoy trafficking tool'

Deborah Rashotte is going to put all your huge asses in a prison cell, until your day comes under your last sun Jodi.

Pro'sic'utors, Pedo's Barnes and Napier had better hide their sick bodies under a bigger rock than we are going to drop on them as well, now that we have the files on the Cornwall Crown Pedophile mafia covered up by Pedofaggot Power J.

I note that I do NOT condone violence against these people,.... but I might have a coffee and celebrate it, should anyone with to go pedo hunting. All named Pedofaggots would deserve to be enjailed or terminated in #NewCanada.

As for "Anual" I would have spelled it An(YOU)al... but for space. Get the picture?

As #NewCanada emerges from an idea in a Toronto backyard, to the potential birth of a radically new design for this country and a world class monetary system, several hundred RCMP Officers, Red Pilled and ready to begin, come to #NewCanada in the hopes of reclaiming the dignity of the police who "always get their man...."

Semantics won't do however. Claiming "girlymen" like self confessed, Superior Court Pedophile Ken Hood, 'don't count,' will not work anymore.

If you turn your back after seeing this video copper,... you are on the curved part of your BLUE LINE.

Don't say you were not warned Scott from CHOPP.

MEANWHILE Pedo MacKay awaits the fateful day that #MarkEllis puts him at odds with his own pedophile empire,... or like Andrew No-longer-Scheer, who fell on my birthday last year,... maybe Pedo will fill his ears with cheese and not hear the CBC cover for him.

I give no f....

Music: "Sallys Ass" by the extraordinary Michael Sherwood (1959 - 2019) snd C. Nesmith, and "All U Can Eat" by Ben Folds, as performed by Michael Sherwood, C. Nesmith and C. Link.

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