Learn the Risk


Published on Jun 19, 2018

But why all the outrage if there's nothing to HIDE?

There is a new billboard in Perth, Australia that asks a simple question:
“Do you know what's in a VACCINE?"
And then lists LearnTheRisk.org
But doctors, and even the Australian government, want to pull it down...

If vaccine ingredients are so safe, then why are they so scared of a simple question?
Maybe because they have a lot money to lose if people start asking questions and doing research? The vaccine industry is worth $60 BILLION a year and growing.

So we can ask questions about tainted formula, BPA in children’s toys, about defective car seats...but not about what’s being injected into our children?

Why all the outrage and aggression if there’s nothing to hide?
The media reports were very biased and one-sided pushing the pharmaceutical agenda to sell vaccines at any cost...to our collective health.

So what really is in a vaccine? Info here: www.learntherisk.org/ingredients

They say we are anti-science, but the science is clear: vaccines do health damage. Here are over a thousand published studies proving it: www.learntherisk.org/studies

And did diseases decline before vaccines? Important information here: www.learntherisk.org/diseases

Learn The Risk is a parent-driven grassroots campaign to raise awareness of the real dangers of pharmaceutical products. The non-profit organization was founded by an ex-pharmaceutical employee and parent in response to the industry’s unprecedented assault on parental rights and health freedom by funding laws that take our right to say “NO” away.

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Contact: info@LearnTheRisk.org