Mitt Romney on advisors ties to the terrorist group MEK


Ryan Dawson


Published on Jan 14, 2012
MEK is an anti-Iran terrorist group given the green light by the US. In the Iraq war the rules were to leave the MEK there alone. MEK is also the chosen medium the ISI and CIA used to finance Usama bin Laden during the Afghanistan civil war and in the war with the soviets. So being tied to them is very problematic. Romney is tied up with MEK but he can't publicly admit its a US privateer cell. This is too good!

Romney's own special adviser is Mitchell Reiss. Reiss has been trying to get MEK removed from the FTO listing them as a terrorist organization. They were already dropped from the Eu's list, cause after all you can't be terrorist unless its against Western interests. He was just at and spoke at a policy briefing on the MEK last month on Dec 10th where they called on removing form the list as a terrorist organization.

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