The Fight to Enlight: Shifting Reality From the Inside Out with Seth Leaf Pruzansky

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Laura Eisenhower


Published on Aug 18, 2020

This was an Amazing interview. It is sure to create a huge shift in people who listen! Scroll down to see where to purchase his book and read more about his life journey and the amazing skills, tools and wisdom he attained.


Seth Leaf Pruzansky was born into this world with the ability to interpret deeply profound universal wisdom directly from his soul. Throughout the course of his life he has learned how to masterfully articulate this knowing in a way that benefits those who are desperately looking for real answers to the big questions in life. Seth is a self-published author of the book “The Fight to Enlight: Initiation through the heart is the only way to win”, a successful entrepreneur, performing musician, co-founder of,, and editor of the blog, a website devoted to globally awakening people to the power residing in their own consciousness.

The best place to find him though is --


Basically everything that almost everybody is experiencing collectively, from a mental, emotional and spiritual level, as a result of the "plandemic", Seth Leaf Pruzansky has gone through personally in his own life.

Through severe bullying as a child, deadly drug addiction in his early 20's, a decade long chronic illness, three years in prison, and countless near-death experiences throughout his entire life, he has learned to develop a level of resiliency that is both rare, but completely possible for anyone to activate and cultivate within themselves.

As a result of all this, he has developed the internal tools, skills and resources to overcome any trial, tribulation, or setback. He calls these personal occurances "Initiations". Essentially they are "divine" events that are encouraging us to discover our own greatness, connection to source, and the infinite possibilities that such exploration represents for us as individuals and as a species.


On this page is both a link to the Amazon versions, and if people want to order it directly through me for a signed copy

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