Anarchast Ep. 202 Max Igan: Surviving the Matrix!




Published on Mar 26, 2015

Jeff interviews Max Igan, researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of the global awakening movement. Topics include: getting back to self governance, easing people out gradually, unplugging from the matrix, transitioning from government via a 1% transaction tax, new laws restricting free speech, war crimes, changing the money system, debt, avoiding Anarchist extremism, massive upswelling of awareness, the system is exposing its hand, the importance of community, be the change you want to see, the nature of a human being, compassion, the quantum field, Ayahuasca, and there is much more to reality than we know...

The Crow House:

The Awakening:

The Calling:

The Transformation of Reality:

The Dollar Vigilante:

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