Episode 8 - The Function and Evolution of the Visual System


Jean-Francois Gariépy


Published on Apr 28, 2014

How does the visual system process information from the outside world and what are the rules that constrain the evolution of sensory systems? We discuss these questions with Dale Purves, Geller Professor of Neurobiology at Duke University.

Participants, upper part: Jean-François Gariépy (left), Diana L. Xie (center), Dale Purves (right). Joining us on Skype: Leanne Boucher, John L. Kubie and Steven Miller.

"0:17" Introduction.
"1:13" How JF first learned about neuroscience.
"2:29" Evolution and adaptations.
"12:15" Reflexes and responses to the environment.
"17:44" The concept of errors and illusions in behavioral sciences.
"24:23" What is perception?
"35:15" Evolution vs. individual learning.
"52:26" Comparison with Robert Trivers' theory of self-deception.
"55:49" Hypercomplex cells in the visual system.