Limited: 0
 Videos: 364
 Views: 10,328,785
 Subscribers: 3,440
 Monitor: True
 Archive: Full
 YouTube Channel
 SocialBlade Stats

 Created Sep 30, 2006


This channel is mixed content, consisting mostly of non-partisan free-thinker documentary/informational videos, compiled from YouTube and the rest of the internet, covering subjects such as:

¤ Authoritarianism / totalitarianism
¤ The rising police state in Western culture
¤ Unconstitutional surveillance, searches, arrests
¤ Thuggish police behavior
¤ Private security officers being bullies
¤ Domestic tracking and spying
¤ Stock Market corruption
¤ Forced medicating and mandatory vaccination
¤ Marriage of government and corporation
¤ IT service providers who spy on subscribers
¤ Media control & corporate news whitewashing
¤ Internet censorship, site blocking, and regional blackouts

This channel is a consolidation of informational videos and predictions to be used for educational purposes.

All uploads are integrated into playlists. Click on "Playlists" for full listings categorized by theme. Use proper grammar...