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 Views: 2,388,572
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 Created May 1, 2016
 Deleted Jan 2, 2024


Warning This Channel Will Disturb The Comfortable and Comfort The Disturbed.

Symptoms: Can cause the viewer to stop, re-think, re-learn, re-search and re-evaluate life.

Channel Contents: History, Current Events, Health, Bible & Prophecy.

Goal: To present untainted Truth and lead ALL people to seek Yahshua

Side note: I am raising money to help produce and distribute (undisturbed & untainted) black historical content so there is a strong portal whereby all the information can be accessible

Aim: is that we all have a better understanding of history (that existed before our time) so we ALL over-stand the present and make better decisions to reform and understand one another.

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I appreciate some may not be able to view without trolling or posting...